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Camila Pizano Illustrator
Camila Pizano is a Colombian biologist and holds a PhD in tropical ecology from University of Florida (USA). She is an Assistant Professor at Lake Forest College, Illinois, USA. Art, and in particular illustration, has always been part of her life. This is a sample of some of her best illustrations, which span across different techniques and subjects. She's always looking for new opportunities to make art.

Florida mouse (Podothys floridanus)

Pharomachrus mocinno

Anolis auratus

Reinita cerulea (Dendroica cerulea) 1

Mitu salvini

Pleurodema brachyops

Leopardus tigrinus

Skipper caterpillar houses on Piper leaves 2015-11-8-18:58:37

Lepidoptera of Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (leaf has the sh
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